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BBC Master 128k


Designed by:

Jordan Mechner


Master Version Programmed by:

Kieran Connell


Additional Code by:

Simon Morris


Cover Artwork by:

John Blythe


Graphics by:

John 'Dethmunk' Blythe


Music and Sound Effects by: Inverse Phase



80 Track Single Sided Disks (SSD) DFS
MOS 3.20

Progress:  Released
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The Plot

With the absence of the Sultan, the Grand Vizier Jaffar has taken control. He rules with an iron fist of tyranny. Only one obstacle remains in his way to command the kingdom and take its throne. The Sultan's daughter! She must marry him or die when the sands run out of a magical hourglass. Her only hope is the young man she loves. Little does she know that the Jaffar has already imprisoned her love in his dungeons!

How to Play

Work you way through the maze of Dungeons and the palace to defeat Jaffar and rescue the Princess. You can climb, jump and fight (once you get a sword). 



Z - Left   X - Right   * - Climb Up/Jump   ? - Climb Down/Crouch   -> - Forward Jump   Return - Action

T - Time Remaining   CTRL+K - Redefine Keys   CTRL+G - Save Game to disc   CTRL+P - Pause

CTRL+M - Music On/Off   CTRL+S - Sound On/Off   CTRL+A - Restart Level   CTRL+R - Return to Titles.

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